Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

As the Flashbulbs Burst, She Holds a Smile Like Someone Would Hold A Crying Child.

One of the biggest things I need right now.
Something I can't get through the day without.
What keeps me from completely giving up.
Gets me through when I just can't seem to find the way out.

At this moment in time, I'm okay.
Well, as okay as I can be under the circumstances.
I'm okay compared to how I have been.
So, I'm going to write this blog. This is going to be a happy, upbeat blog. Kind of like the music I have playing right now. And for goodness sake, I'm going to smile while I type this silly thing. Just because I deserve to, dang it.

Let's begin with Strength.
I'm gaining it. Finally.  I still get triggered by little things (hence, why I no longer have a Facebook), but I'm upset for shorter spans of time. I'm going to take this as a sign that things are getting better. I'm gaining the strength to push through these times, and the times when I don't feel like I have enough strength I rely on...

Recently, I find myself looking to God a lot more often. Because honestly, sometimes I just don't know what the heck to do. There's been many a times I just look up and say "I'm done. I'm giving up, it's your turn, because I don't know what else to do." I find comfort in knowing that someone is there, even at 3am when I wake up crying, someone's there. This gives me...

I know it's not going to hurt forever. I know things will get better, I just have to get through this. I hope for the best. I keep being told that God has a plan for me, so I just have to wait it out. Take the good with the bad. Things are going to get better, maybe not tomorrow, or even next week, but something good's going to happen. I just have to keep my head up until it does. And through all of this I've had people giving me...

I can't be thankful enough for the few wonderful friends and my family that have gotten me this far. Elana's the only one who reads this darn thing, so I'll write her a little love note and just leave it here for her to see.

Honestly, I don't know how I would have gotten through the past few years without you. You've been there for me through everything. I can only hope I've been as good of a friend to you as you've been to me. You're the person I can tell absolutely everything to and know it won't end up in someone else's ears. Even though I can be moody and extremely difficult to deal with, you've stuck by me. Through all the heartache and issues I've brought to you. You deserve a medal. <3

Let's hope this good mood continues through the next week, Lord knows I'm going to need it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I  just don't think it's fair that he get to keep all of his friends, plus my friends. It's not fair that I'm the one hurting and he gets off with nothing. It's not fair that I try as hard as I can to make things work, and I end up getting screwed over. It's just not fucking fair.